Veja se vc já pode se tornar cidadão Canadense?

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    • #4914

      Caros colegas,

      trago uma excelente contribuição de nossa colega Maura feita na comunidade Quero ir para Québec sobre esta questão:

        How to Host a Citizenship Ceremony
        For many individuals and families, the citizenship ceremony is the realization of a dream. In some instances, it marks the beginning of a new life. The citizenship ceremony is a formalized rite of passage that pinpoints a specific time of entry into the Canadian family. It confers rights and acknowledges responsibilities. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees to all Canadian citizens the following:

        Rights of citizenship:

        the right to vote in federal, provincial, and territorial elections
        the right to be a candidate in federal, provincial, and territorial elections
        the right to enter and leave Canada freely
        minority language educational rights (English or French)
        the right to apply for a Canadian

        Responsibilities of citizenship:

        to obey Canada’s laws
        to vote in elections
        to respect the rights and freedoms of others
        to eliminate discrimination and injustice
        to care for Canada’s heritage
        to help others in the community

        Citizenship Ceremony:

        A citizenship ceremony is the final step in the process of becoming a Canadian citizen. It occurs after the individual passes either a written test or an oral hearing. There is a legal requirement for the individual to attend the ceremony and take the Oath of Citizenship. During the ceremony, the new citizen receives a Certificate of Canadian Citizenship. Guests attending the ceremony, who are Canadian citizens, may be invited to reaffirm their commitment to Canada by repeating the oath along with the new citizens



    • #17771

      Daqui a 2 anos se tudo der certo :)

      2 anos como residente temporario + 2 anos como residente permanente eeeeeeeeeee penuria :)

    • #17870

      [align=justify]Olá a todos,

      Só em 20 de março de 2010…aff


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