Vaga de Emprego em Montréal – TI – Programação

Home Fórum Vivendo no Canadá Profissões e Mercado de Trabalho Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia Vaga de Emprego em Montréal – TI – Programação

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    • #7857

      Olá Gente,

      Segue a vaga abaixo, para quem tiver interesse. A empresa é de um amigo meu.

      Evocatio programmer job description

      What are the top reasons someone should work at your company?

        Work among other geeks;
        We write mint fresh PHP 5.3+ OOP code – Clean code for the win!;
        We build software with a strategic plan in mind and done by very creative people – Creativity is key;
        During development people that feel unsure can start a peer-programming session to corner to an elegant solution;
        We appreciate and encourages everybody to use their strengths and push skills;
        Be part of an experienced team;
        Try new stuff on every project.

      Describe a “day in the life” for this position?
      We are close to the Square-Victoria station. Climb the elevator. Grab a cup of coffee from our automated espresso machine. Some people forgets their cup, some of us yell “Coffee in cooling process!”.

      We use an issue tracking and todo assignation system. Everybody knows what’s next. Start or continue a wiki page to outline all that is required to fulfill the next functionality. If you have any architectural, database, sysadmin, or web standards question, there is always somebody to challenge and/or learn from.

      Take active part of the architecture, design, and planification of the project. Every day we debrief on our actual challenges and objectives in a (if you want) SCRUM meeting.

      Everybody has their own dual-screen Latest Ubuntu Linux based desktop, has access to a locally accessible Ubuntu update mirror. Evocatio even provide a personnal Linux virtual machine for our employee to play with.

      How will the new employee’s performance be measured? Define the job’s specific goals

        Lead the elaboration of every projects architecture;
        Elaborate, Analyze creation and/or consumption of web services;
        Work with the project manager to fulfill all requirements in the best possible way;
        There is always a way to do what’s required, we just got to find how, be part of the brainstorm;
        Create and manage functionality architecture and test plans (we hate monster method in a class!)
        Do schemas and focus-group sessions in team to elaborate elegant and re-usable solutions;
        Try to break your own code and improve whenever required;
        Be part of the persons people will ask questions to;

      Describe the company
      Evocatio is a young and growing company founded in 2010 by experienced and passionnate web professionnals of more than 15 years of experience.

      Evocatio is specialized in web application development and advanced technical support.

      Located in Montreal’s Old-port on St-Jacques street, Evocatio is also partner with RED l’agence to create feature-rich web applications.

      Describe the job
      Except of programming, meeting to corner requirements and elaborate solution of what is required, we have frequent technical puzzles to resolve.

      Here is one example we did.

      We created an automated process to update ORM driven, remote, web application based from a Point of Sale system built in Microsoft Access. It was actually two applications, one on the Windows XP machine that queries via ODBC and generate changes from the computer into a XML. The same software uploads then automatically to the web server. Then, the webserver detects the uploads and fires a task to import with proper inserts into the web application database;

      If you love challenges like this, you will love work with us.

      What should a candidate include in their application to help them stand out?
      Show relevant experience with some of the following:

      Good Knowledge of: OOP, Database Queries, Javascript, REST, JSON, and can work with a DVCS;

        Extensive knowledge of some recommended best-practices and some web frameworks;
        Bonus: Experience with web frameworks such as jQuery, Symfony2, and PHP;
        Experience with web framework: Django, Rails, CakePHP, Lithium, Zend, GWT, Grails and are willing to work with PHP;

      To impress us:

        A GitHub or open-source project you participate;
        Notes from a database schema and you build a multi-table join during the interview;
        Your resume has sentences in Klingon;
        You created your own wiki engine, all by yourself, for your personal needs;
        You created an ORM code generator in 200x and you didn’t knew what an ORM was;

      How should people apply?
      Send an email to

      PS0: We are open to contractuals/freelancers to work with us, we even have some room to share.

      PS1: if you are more into Frontend we are always open to see what you got!

      Be prepared for hands-on mini-project (expect more or less 2 hours, nothing formal) so we can see where we can be working together.

    • #49684

      @gabiviana wrote:

      To impress us:

        Your resume has sentences in Klingon;

      Essa empresa é séria!?!?

    • #49686

      Da impressao que quere selecionar um nerd super cool hehe

      Residente Permanente desde Set/2009, cidadão desde Jul/2014 e mora na fascinante Montreal.

    • #49687

      Sim, claro que ela é séria, ou eu não teria colocado a vaga.
      Por que você achou que não seria?

    • #49688

      Sim RonaldoeSusana =) Exatamente o que eles querem!

    • #49691

      @gabiviana wrote:

      Sim, claro que ela é séria, ou eu não teria colocado a vaga.
      Por que você achou que não seria?

      Eu entendi que a empresa quer passar uma imagem de moderna, atrair pessoas joviais, etc… mas me espantei. Nunca vi aqui no Quebec uma oferta de emprego assim, cheia de piadinhas:

      @gabiviana wrote:

      ….Some people forgets their cup, some of us yell “Coffee in cooling process!”…

      ….Your resume has sentences in Klingon;…

      ….You created an ORM code generator in 200x and you didn’t knew what an ORM was;….

      Boa sorte aos candidatos que sejam fluentes em Klingon…. :lol:

    • #49692

      Ele disse que é uma nova tendência! :lol:

    • #56936

      Oi pessoal, a empresa onde trabalho, o banco francês BNP Paribas, está procurando um analista desenvolvedor em TI (claro :o ). Vejam detalhes abaixo. Se tiver interesse, favor me dizer que posso fazer a recomendação. P.S. Não sou de TI, mas de Finanças. Abraço.

      Job Description: ECM Livelink/OTCS Developer and Support

      TYPE: BNP Paribas Montreal
      POSITION: Analyst, Livelink/OTCS Developer
      ENTITY: CIB – ITO-SF North American Region – IT-Transversal Functions
      SUPERVISION: Project developer multi-role Managing resource ( PM)

      BNP Paribas is engaged in significant banking operations activity in North America, and the bank is seeking to further expands its regionalized structure in Montreal.

      Provide support for existing production Livelink/Oppen Text Content Sever (OTCS) applications, troubleshooting and resolving problems in a timely manner.

      Analyze problems reported by users and coordinate with related parties (vendor, Internal IT teams, etc.) to resolve the problems.

      Coordinate with users and other IT teams on the implementation of software patches, packages and upgrades. This includes project planning/management and user acceptance test on new and/or upgraded software.

      Analyze, program and test enhancements on existing and/or new programs, including documentation and if needed operation procedures.

      Define and follow-up realistic project plans. Meeting the time estimate and
      deadlines specified in the project plan.

      A developer-analyst with a strong background in application development and system implementation. The applicant should have a working experience in the different aspects of a system development lifecycle such as:

      Feasibility study
      Understanding of users needs
      Functional specification
      Program design and specification
      User acceptance test
      Program documentation
      Installation procedures for packaging
      Preparation of a Troubleshooting Guide and Operators procedures

      Technical skills
      Technical knowledge in following platform:
      Windows XP, Windows7 Client
      Windows 2003, 2008 Server
      Knowledge/experience in following languages/tools/skills
      Livelink modules and tools
      Livelink Builder
      Livelink Forms
      Livelink Workflow
      Livelink LiveReport
      Livelink Schema
      Livelink Explorer Professional
      OpenText Archive Server ( Good to Have)
      LAPI ( Good to Have)
      Directory Services module ( Good to Have)
      WebDAV module (Good to Have)
      Perl development experience
      MS IIS with Administrator experience
      LDAP – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (Good to Have)
      Database Management System – Knowledge of Oracle
      Knowledge on CVS (Concurrent Version System) is a plus

      Communication skills

      Excellent organizational and interpersonal skill
      Excellent analytical skills
      Good communication skills both oral and written to be able to work with both the technical and banking users
      Previous experience in large corporation environment
      Knowledge on CMMI ( Capability Maturity Model Integration) is a plus

      Residente Permanente desde Set/2009, cidadão desde Jul/2014 e mora na fascinante Montreal.

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