Mais estatisticas, pra quem foi e pra quem vai

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    • #5789

      estava eu perambulando quando achei o indexmundi, gostei, achei interessante:

      Abraço a todos

    • #37796

      Só para começar, o cenário de fundo…

      Background: Following more than three centuries under Portuguese rule, Brazil peacefully gained its independence in 1822, maintaining a monarchical system of government until the abolition of slavery in 1888 and the subsequent proclamation of a republic by the military in 1889. Brazilian coffee exporters politically dominated the country until populist leader Getulio VARGAS rose to power in 1930. By far the largest and most populous country in South America, Brazil underwent more than half a century of populist and military government until 1985, when the military regime peacefully ceded power to civilian rulers. Brazil continues to pursue industrial and agricultural growth and development of its interior. Exploiting vast natural resources and a large labor pool, it is today South America’s leading economic power and a regional leader. Highly unequal income distribution and crime remain pressing problems.

      Background: A land of vast distances and rich natural resources, Canada became a self-governing dominion in 1867 while retaining ties to the British crown. Economically and technologically the nation has developed in parallel with the US, its neighbor to the south across an unfortified border. Canada faces the political challenges of meeting public demands for quality improvements in health care and education services, as well as responding to separatist concerns in predominantly francophone Quebec. Canada also aims to develop its diverse energy resources while maintaining its commitment to the environment.

    • #38499

      @FCelso wrote:

      “…1985, when the military regime peacefully ceded power to civilian rulers. ….

      hahahah que definição para o final da ditadura!!!!

    • #38505

      Creio que as descrições deveriam ser mais objetivas. Mas como temos a necessidade inerente de uma descrição feita por pessoas, entra sempre em jogo a subjetividade, por mais sutil que ela seja.

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